So...I jumped on the Hello Fresh meal subscription bandwagon! I stay busy and only cook about three to four days a week. I get tired of preparing the same meals each week and rarely take the time to try out a new recipe. I listened for weeks as several fellow teachers raved about Hello Fresh. I finally logged on and bit the bullet! I signed up on a Saturday and my first box was delivered on Thursday. I was SO excited, even though I chose the meals from the weekly menu and knew exactly what was in the box.
The mister was just as excited and helped unload the goodness. Our biggest hurtle was deciding which meal to prepare first!
Sizzling Beef Stir-Fry...This was my favorite of the three meals.
Each week you have seven meals to choose from. I picked a pork, a chicken, and a steak based meal. There's usually a seafood or fish meal each week, which I steer clear of due to my shell fish allergy.
Chicken Gone Nuts with a Walnut Crust, Glazed Carrots, and Roasted Broccoli

You can pause your meal subscription for up to 8 weeks and of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Due to travel plans I have paused my meals for three weeks and have already picked my menu for my next delivery. I'll admit I'm a bit obsessed with looking at the weekly menus!

In the process of attempting to pause my subscription, I accidentally cancelled. A customer service representative called asking if I was displeased with Hello Fresh. I explained what happened and he immediately emailed me detailed directions on how to pause my subscription and corrected my account to reflect a pause instead of a cancellation. I can't express how kind and caring this gentleman was in assisting me. Good customer service is SO hard to find. Honestly, this made me what to continue using this service even more. Kudos...Hello Fresh!!
I'll keep you posted on my next shipment and in the meantime if you'd like to try Hello Fresh for yourself, simply click the link below and you can get your first shipment for less than $20. Yes, that's $40 off!!

In the process of attempting to pause my subscription, I accidentally cancelled. A customer service representative called asking if I was displeased with Hello Fresh. I explained what happened and he immediately emailed me detailed directions on how to pause my subscription and corrected my account to reflect a pause instead of a cancellation. I can't express how kind and caring this gentleman was in assisting me. Good customer service is SO hard to find. Honestly, this made me what to continue using this service even more. Kudos...Hello Fresh!!
I'll keep you posted on my next shipment and in the meantime if you'd like to try Hello Fresh for yourself, simply click the link below and you can get your first shipment for less than $20. Yes, that's $40 off!!